The Beacon

Brighten your day, your way, with a brand that takes you away !
Let us be your guiding light in the ever-evolving world of marketing & Branding

click bait

Is Clickbait Killing Traditional Journalism?

Stop Doomscrolling and Train Your Algorithm to avoid Click Bait
favorite baseball team

What Does Your Favorite Baseball Team Say About You?

Baseball is more than just a sport; it is a cultural phenomenon that reflects various aspects of human psychology and social identity.
Megapro feature image Desing

Why Photography is important?

Commercial Photography and its Relevance in Building a Brand: From Theory to Equipment, to Shooting, to Final Product
tips to beat commodities

15 sales and branding tips to beat commodities

Enhance Sales Techniques and Rely on Strong Brand Development to Differentiate a Commodity Product in a Saturated Market
influence of website on biz credibility

The Influence of a Website on Business Credibility

Having a professional, well-maintained website is more important than ever for establishing and maintaining business credibility.
Endomarketng vs burnout

The Role of Endobranding in Preventing Burnout

Endobranding can play a vital role supporting HR in preventing burnout by fostering a supportive and engaging work environment.
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Brighten your day, your way, with a brand that takes you away !

Let us be your guiding light in the ever-evolving world of marketing & Branding

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